Are We Related? How and Why You Should Participate in the SFA Stiles DNA Projects – workshop, July 13, 2024!

Saturday, July 13, 2024, 12:30 p.m. EDT via Zoom!
Interested in genetic genealogy?  After our annual meeting via Zoom, have lunch or coffee with us as we host the following free workshop:
Interested in genetic genealogy, but just don’t quite know how to get started?   We can help!   Join us for our afternoon information session after the annual meeting!     This workshop will help you understand what can be learned from downloading your DNA file into the Stiles DNA projects. Two SFA board members will describe what they have learned about their Stiles lines and you will have a chance to ask questions about your DNA findings. We will also provide background information and links to helpful websites about DNA genealogical research and how to download your DNA file.   
This is a free event – for more information see our Membership page!